Emerging Trends in Discipleship – Report
Download the report to understand the emerging trends in discipleship in 2024.
Emerging Trends in Discipleship – Report
Download the report to understand the emerging trends in discipleship in 2024.
Grow: Work For Change
In a recent article, Matt Darvas (a great personal friend and a great friend of Seed) reflected on the importance of the way we approach our work for change.
Grow: Entrepreneur Characteristics
We’re encouraging you to reflect on each of these characteristics in the table and the extent to which you embody them in your own life.
Grow: What is Broken?
Reflect on your own context – an industry, workplace or community. Can you identify something in your context that is broken?
Grow: The Things We Make
A lot of Christian thinking about work focuses on how we share what we believe in the workplace. That’s really important! But growing the confidence to declare your faith and speak about it isn’t a full expression of following Jesus.
Grow: Context
Use these questions to help you reflect on how you can transition to a more positive engagement in your context. Consider your own context (a community, workplace or industry).
Grow: Prayer of Examen
A great way to pray is to look for God’s presence in your life. More than 400 years ago St. Ignatius Loyola encouraged prayer-filled mindfulness by proposing what has been called the Daily Examen.
Grow: Justice Hack
This exercise formed part of a Justice Hack we facilitated on behalf of Micah Australia. Tim Costello outlined his perceptions of the current context.
Grow: God-Given Purpose
The exercise below is designed to help you consider, in deeper ways, how your work aligns with God’s work in the world. The exercise emerges from the thinking of Australian faith and work theologian Robert Banks. We call it the Six Strands.
Grow: Imagination
Our imagination is a powerful tool that God has empowered us to use for the purpose of change.