Donate to Seed’s programs and initiatives. All general donations are not tax-deductible.
Details for donation via bank transfer
BSB: 032-298
Acct: 388955
Ref: Your Phone Number & Surname
your phone number will help us reach you to receipt your donation
All donations to Seed’s Redemptive Design Library are tax-deductible.
Details for donation via bank transfer
BSB: 032-298
Acct: 472030
Ref: Your Phone Number & Surname
your phone number will help us reach you to receipt your donation

Seed Sowers are our monthly donors – but more than that, they are those in our community who have come alongside us, and who hold this mission with us.
Georgia Lovell – Manager, Government, Public Policy and Sustainability At Suncorp Group – shares her experience of the Seed Marketplace Leaders Program. Find out more, go to MARKETPLACE>
Susy Lee went through our 2019 Incubator Program and has seen the idea she brought to the program come to life. Listen as she shares her experience with the Seed Incubator Program and how it helped her realise who God created her to be. Find out more, go to INCUBATOR>
In 2018 JB met Greig from the Salvation Army. Greig had been tasked with the job of creating, implementing, and embedding innovation within the Salvation Army, not a small task by any stretch. Listen to how Seed was able to help Greig and the Salvos successfully launch and embed innovation in such a large organisation. To find out how Seed can help your organisation, go to CONSULTING >