Discover your place in God’s story and join in his work of renewal.

As God’s people, we hope that who we are and what we do has purpose as part of His work of renewal in the world. We dream of being a part of positive change, and helping people in our community taste and see what life with Jesus is like.
Seed’s Changemaker Communities equip you to discover your God-given purpose, re-imagine possibilities for the world around you, and grow your ability to create change where you are planted.
Start your journey with Changemaker Communities

Join a Seed facilitated Changemaker Community
Experience Seed’s tailored development program for individuals seeking to discover their God-given passions, enhance their leadership and grow their impact in the world.

Start a Changemaker Community
Get support from Seed to develop a Changemaker Community tailored to your church, workplace or community group. Lead others to grow deeper in their faith and participate in God’s work where they are planted.
Grow yourself and your ideas for his kingdom.
Personal Formation
Gain clarity of your purpose and vocation, how to live an embodied faith and grow deeper with Jesus.
Leadership Capabilities
Gain confidence in participating in change creation, be equipped to lead renewal in your workplace, sector or community.
Redemptive Influence
Expand your ideas of what it means to be a witness to Jesus, and explore how to participate in God’s work for the world around you.
Take the next step
Speak to us to learn how you can get involved in Changemaker Communities.