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To register for this Purpose Discovery course (and receive access to Seed Academy) please answer the following questions.

We’ve asked for your details, which we’ll use to set up your login for Seed Academy and communicate with you about this. We will also use them to link your responses at the start of the course to your feedback at the end of the course, in order to get an accurate measurement of how helpful the Purpose Discovery Course is for participants. We encourage you to be as honest as possible, to help us learn & improve from your experience. Your responses will be kept confidential, and if we wish to quote your feedback we will de-identify you or seek your permission. We won’t subscribe you to our mailing list unless you ask us to. Our Privacy Policy is available here.

Our aim in this Purpose Discovery Course is to help you get more clarity and confidence in your purpose. Within the next few days you will receive a link to the Seed Academy so you can access all materials and videos that will enhance your experience of this journey. 

Thank you, welcome to Seed Purpose Course, we are really looking forward to serving you.