Help us grow Christians for Redemptive Influence.

The majority of Christians live and work beyond the walls of the church and yet most still struggle to know how their faith and their work can effectively intersect.

Your one-off gift will help us develop effective pathways for Christian formation, equipping people to navigate their daily context and embody their faith as they see and participate in tangible expressions of God’s story.

What’s ahead for Seed?

We will continue to run and develop the Seed Changemaker Program, purposefully designed for:

  • marketplace leaders
  • not-for-profit leaders
  • entrepreneurs/business owners

Alongside this, we are focusing on identifying and equipping Growers.
Volunteers in churches and industries who share our vision and want to grow others at the grassroots.

Working with Growers allows us to work with the 1 to reach the many.
This will scale our impact and release more Christians into redemptive influence.

Where your money will go.

Establish the Redemptive Design Library – $50,000

  • Design guides and playbooks for our tools, making them more accessible to growers and changemakers
  • Create new content, including both stories and thought leadership pieces that make Redemptive Design more accessible to thousands of people.

Identify and equip 25 growers – $25,000